I almost murdered someone tonight. Well, okay. I probably wouldn't have murdered him if I'd had the green light, but I sure did fantasize about crushing his face with my elbow a few times. It was the DRUNK MORON next to me at Louis CK's show tonight. Everything else was awesome; I went with my best friend, we got fourth row tickets, and Louis was hilarious. But, man. Even this dude's buddy looked like he wanted to disappear into a hole in the ground. Imagine Ricky Gervais's laugh, only less endearing, and he kept saying shit like, "Oh man. This is some funny shit!" and commenting on stuff. Really? This guy must not watch Louie at all, because I was waiting for this guy to become a target, and there I am. Next to him.
Anyway, before the show, I made Coconut Curried Tempeh. I accidentally poured about a half cup of crushed red pepper into it (yikes!), and even though I scraped most of it out of the pan, it wound up so so so spicy. Luckily, my friend is a big fan of spicy.

I had to do this in parts, but it came together pretty fast. I think next attempt, I'll bake the tempeh, because I like it crispier, and it's hard to get that texture when you're stir frying in water instead of oil.
Coconut Curried Tempeh
makes 4 servings
1 16oz package tempeh, sliced into two flatter pieces, and then into bite sized pieces
1 tbsp Bragg's liquid aminos
1 sweet potato, peeled and diced
1 onion, cut into thin moons
1 red bell pepper, cut into thin strips
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp minced ginger
2 tsp red curry paste, or curry powder
1/2 lb green beans
1 can light coconut milk
Ahhh that tempeh curry looks so rich and delicious!
And how awkward re. the show!
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